Chef TARA's corner of the internet

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Teaching Again

Jill & Shirley asked me to come teach an Enrichment lesson for their ward this evening. (Basically this is a group of women from our Church who were having a cooking class as part of the Home, Family & Personal Enrichement program,) I hadn't taught a class for some time, and it was a lot of fun for me! And I think all went fairly well - except that I forgot my camera, hence no picture for the blog. Dagnabit!

The class was all about chocolate! We made chocolate balloon cups filled with chocolate mousse, and then we made a ganache glaze that we used to cover some pound cake or chocolate cake. We also did some platings, including my favorite of cocoa dusted over a fork and spoon. My goal is always to create something dazzling enough that people would want to serve it at a dinner party but easy enough to repeat that they'll actually make it. I felt like a lot of them would make at least one of the things we did tonight.

That being said, perhaps my favorite part of the evening was when a couple of the ladies talked about things they've made since our other classes - including one who said she now buys fresh mushrooms on a regular basis and another who has made crepes several times. These classes are work, but that just warms my heart and makes it all so very worth it.


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