I Think I'm In Love!

All these years my friends have tried to convert me to using a Bosch. I've never had anything against them - I just didn't see a need for one. I could do everything I needed and wanted and more in my trusty old Kitchen Aide. You know, the one I inherited from my parents that they bought when I was in junior high... I won't mention how many years ago that was! But, several months ago my Kitchen Aide gave up the ghost. Well, not entirely, since the motor still works great, but the arm that lifts the bowl up has lost its screws, and I for the life of me can't put it all back together again. Oh, we're still friends, and I still use it - by balancing the bowl on an inverted ramekin. Which is fine for whipping cream or mixing a cake batter - but an impossible jerryrig for kneading bread. Fortunately I have a generous friend who's been willing to loan me her Bosch for many a month, but I never got around to it...
Until now!!!!! I asked her if it wanted to live at my house Sunday afternoon, and she told me it had asked her just that morning when it was going to get to come over! Since it seemed to be mutually agreeable I stopped by and got it after church. I made bread. And again yesterday I made bread. Today I bought more flour and made more bread. I'm considering getting up early tomorrow to make more bread.
I made some friends at work today with fresh bread, and I'll likely make some of my neighbors happy tomorrow. This week I reconnected with a friend from culinary school who let me know she's tweaked my recipe for cottage dill rolls, and I'm dying to make more bread just so I can try it out.
Not sure when your Bosch is coming home...I think I'm in love!

Too amazingly true to life! The bread is gorgeous! Excellent oven spring, shread break along the sides and perfectly even colored crust... nice work! From one pastry chef to another... long live the cooking spirit!!!--chef Stephanie Petersen SCI 1994
uhm wow. Justin and I have attempted bread many times and it never looked like that... maybe Bosch is the trick, since I have a KitchenAid myself..but I am pretty sure it is your skills.
You definitely made your neighbors happy last night. Thank you so much for the bread. That was so kind of you. Not only was it yummy, but it saved me last night.. I didn't have anything ready for dinner, and Justin said he would be happy with the cheese bread.. and he was:) Thanks Tara!
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